Microsoft Planner vs. Project: A Comparative Analysis

Microsoft Planner vs. Project: A Comparative Analysis

Microsoft offers a diverse range of task management applications, including Microsoft Project, Planner, To Do, and Tasks app in Teams. Each application caters to specific project requirements, ranging from solo endeavors to complex team collaborations. This article provides a comprehensive comparison of Microsoft Planner and Project to assist users in selecting the most appropriate tool for their project needs.

Microsoft Planner

Microsoft Planner is a lightweight task management application designed for teams with minimal dependencies and deliverables. It enables users to create plans, assign tasks, and collaborate seamlessly within the Teams platform. Planner’s intuitive interface allows users to visualize tasks on a Kanban-style board, facilitating efficient task tracking and prioritization.

Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project is a robust project management application tailored for complex projects involving multiple teams, dependencies, and resource allocation. It offers advanced features such as Gantt charts, resource leveling, and cost tracking. Project is available in three versions: Project for the Web, Project desktop, and Project Online.


Project Complexity

Planner is suitable for projects with fewer dependencies and deliverables. Project, on the other hand, is designed for complex projects with intricate interdependencies, resource constraints, and cost considerations.

Team Collaboration

Planner excels in team collaboration within the Teams ecosystem. It allows multiple users to contribute to tasks, share updates, and communicate seamlessly. Project also supports collaboration, but it is more focused on project-level planning and resource allocation.

Task Management

Planner provides basic task management capabilities, including task creation, assignment, and status tracking. Project offers more advanced task management features, such as dependency mapping, task duration estimation, and resource allocation.

Resource Management

Project excels in resource management. It allows users to define resources, assign them to tasks, and track their availability. Planner does not have dedicated resource management capabilities.

Cost Tracking

Project includes cost tracking features that enable users to estimate and monitor project expenses. Planner does not offer cost tracking capabilities.


Project provides comprehensive reporting options, including Gantt charts, resource utilization reports, and cost summaries. Planner offers limited reporting capabilities, focusing primarily on task status and progress.


Microsoft Planner and Project are both valuable task management tools, but their suitability depends on the project’s complexity and requirements. Planner is ideal for small teams working on projects with minimal dependencies. Project, on the other hand, is the preferred choice for complex projects involving multiple teams, dependencies, and resource constraints. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each application, users can make an informed decision and select the tool that best meets their project management needs.


Which application is better suited for complex projects with multiple dependencies?

Microsoft Project is the preferred choice for complex projects involving multiple teams, dependencies, and resource constraints. It offers advanced features such as Gantt charts, resource leveling, and cost tracking.

Can Microsoft Planner and Project be used together?

Yes, it is possible to use Microsoft Planner and Project together. Planner can be used for team collaboration and task management, while Project can be used for project-level planning, resource allocation, and cost tracking.

What are the key differences between Planner and Project?

Planner is a lightweight task management application designed for teams with minimal dependencies and deliverables. Project is a robust project management application tailored for complex projects with intricate interdependencies, resource constraints, and cost considerations.

Which application offers better reporting capabilities?

Microsoft Project provides comprehensive reporting options, including Gantt charts, resource utilization reports, and cost summaries. Planner offers limited reporting capabilities, focusing primarily on task status and progress.

Is Microsoft Planner suitable for resource management?

No, Microsoft Planner does not have dedicated resource management capabilities. Project, on the other hand, allows users to define resources, assign them to tasks, and track their availability.

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