Phasmophobia: Troubleshooting Crashes and Freezing on PC

Causes of Crashes and Freezing

Phasmophobia, an award-winning investigative horror game, encounters issues with crashing or freezing on Windows PCs due to various reasons:

  • Outdated graphics drivers
  • Unupdated Windows OS
  • Damaged game files
  • Excessive in-game graphics settings
  • Overclocked CPU or GPU
  • In-game overlay features
  • Software conflicts
  • Fullscreen optimizations

Troubleshooting Solutions

1. Update Graphics Drivers and Windows OS

Ensure that both your graphics drivers and Windows OS are updated to their latest versions. This can be done through the Windows Update or device manager.

2. Verify Game File Integrity

Damaged game files can lead to crashes. Use the Steam game launcher’s “Verify the Integrity of Game Files” feature to repair corrupted files.

3. Lower In-Game Graphics Settings

Excessive graphics settings can strain your system, causing crashes. Adjust the in-game graphics options to lower settings.

4. Disable Overclocking

Overclocking can destabilize your system, leading to game crashes. Disable any overclocked components (CPU/GPU).

5. Launch Phasmophobia with DirectX 10

Try launching the game with DirectX 10 by adding “-force-feature-level-10-1” in the Steam launch options.

6. Disable Fullscreen Optimizations

Fullscreen optimizations can interfere with game performance. Disable this option for Phasmophobia in its executable’s properties.

7. Opt for Phasmophobia Beta Version

The beta version may contain fixes for crashing issues. Try opting into the beta version in Steam’s Properties menu.

8. Close Overlay Apps

In-game overlay apps can cause conflicts. Disable overlay features in Steam, Discord, or Nvidia GeForce Experience.

9. Allow Phasmophobia through Firewall

Firewall and antivirus software may block Phasmophobia. Add an exception for the game in your security settings.

10. Troubleshoot in a Clean Boot State

Third-party software conflicts can cause crashes. Perform a clean boot to start Windows with only essential services and drivers.

Additional Considerations

Why are my games crashing and freezing?

Game crashes can be caused by corrupted game files, insufficient access permissions, outdated graphics drivers, or hardware limitations.

What to do if a game keeps crashing on PC?

Update drivers, verify game file integrity, disable overclocking, close overlay apps, and troubleshoot in a clean boot state. Firewall or antivirus interference may also be a factor.


Why is Phasmophobia crashing or freezing on my PC?

Phasmophobia may crash or freeze due to outdated drivers, corrupted game files, excessive graphics settings, overclocking, software conflicts, or firewall interference.

How do I fix Phasmophobia crashes and freezing?

Update your graphics drivers and Windows OS, verify the integrity of game files, lower in-game graphics settings, disable overclocking, launch the game with DirectX 10, disable fullscreen optimizations, opt for the Phasmophobia beta version, close overlay apps, allow the game through your firewall, or troubleshoot in a clean boot state.

What are some common causes of game crashes in general?

Game crashes can be caused by corrupted game files, insufficient access permissions, outdated graphics drivers, hardware limitations, or software conflicts.

What should I do if a game keeps crashing on my PC?

If a game keeps crashing, try updating drivers, verifying game file integrity, disabling overclocking, closing overlay apps, and troubleshooting in a clean boot state. Firewall or antivirus interference may also be a factor.

How can I prevent Phasmophobia from crashing or freezing in the future?

Keep your graphics drivers and Windows OS updated, avoid overclocking, close unnecessary software while playing, and ensure that your PC meets the minimum system requirements for the game.

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