Valorant Stuttering When Moving Mouse: Comprehensive Troubleshooting Guide

Valorant Stuttering When Moving Mouse: Comprehensive Troubleshooting Guide

Valorant, a popular first-person shooter game, has gained a massive player base since its release. However, some users have reported experiencing mouse stuttering or complete mouse failure while playing the game. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to help you troubleshoot and resolve these issues, allowing you to enjoy a smooth and responsive gaming experience.

Potential Causes and Solutions

  1. Run Valorant as Administrator:

Granting Valorant administrative privileges can resolve issues related to insufficient permissions. Right-click on the Valorant icon and select “Run as administrator.”

  1. CPU Usage Monitoring:

High CPU usage can lead to various performance issues, including mouse stuttering. Open the Task Manager and check the CPU usage. If it’s high, identify and close any unnecessary programs or applications.

  1. Wired Mouse vs. Wireless Mouse:

Wireless mice have higher latency compared to wired mice. If possible, use a wired mouse to minimize latency and improve responsiveness.

  1. Mouse Driver Update/Reinstallation:

Corrupted or outdated mouse drivers can cause problems. Uninstall the current mouse driver from the Device Manager and download the latest version from the manufacturer’s website.

  1. Graphics Card Driver Update/Reinstallation:

Similar to mouse drivers, outdated or corrupted graphics card drivers can lead to stuttering. Update or reinstall the graphics card driver using the manufacturer’s website or dedicated software.

  1. Reset Valorant Settings:

Resetting Valorant’s settings to default can resolve various issues. Navigate to the %localappdata% folder, locate the VALORANT folder, and delete it. This will reset the game’s settings without affecting crosshair customizations.

  1. Disable VSync:

VSync synchronizes the game’s frame rate with the monitor’s refresh rate, potentially reducing screen tearing. However, it can also introduce input lag. Try disabling VSync in the game’s settings to see if it improves mouse responsiveness.

  1. Frame Rate Capping:

Capping the frame rate can reduce GPU load and improve overall performance. Use the in-game settings or external software like NVIDIA Control Panel or AMD Radeon Software to limit the frame rate. Experiment with different values to find the optimal balance between performance and visual quality.

  1. Adjust Mouse Polling Rate:

The mouse polling rate determines how often the mouse reports its position to the computer. A higher polling rate can reduce latency, but it may also cause stuttering for some users. Try lowering the polling rate using dedicated mouse buttons or software to see if it resolves the issue.

  1. Troubleshoot in Clean Boot State:

A clean boot isolates the issue by disabling non-essential services and startup programs. Perform a clean boot and launch Valorant to determine if a third-party program is causing the stuttering. If the issue disappears, identify and disable the problematic program.

  1. Reinstall G HUB Software:

If you’re using Logitech G HUB software with a compatible mouse, try uninstalling and reinstalling it. This can resolve potential software conflicts or bugs.

  1. Edit GameUserSettings.ini File:

As a last resort, you can manually edit the GameUserSettings.ini file to optimize graphics settings. Navigate to the %userprofile%\AppData\Local\VALORANT\Saved\Config folder, open GameUserSettings.ini with a text editor, and adjust the graphics quality settings to the lowest values. Save the file and launch Valorant to see if the stuttering persists.


By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively resolve mouse stuttering or mouse failure issues in Valorant. These solutions address various potential causes, from driver issues and software conflicts to graphics settings optimization. If the problem persists despite trying all the suggested fixes, consider contacting Valorant support for further assistance.


What is the potential impact of high CPU usage on Valorant’s performance?

High CPU usage can lead to various performance issues in Valorant, including mouse stuttering, lag, and reduced responsiveness. This is because the CPU is responsible for handling game calculations and processing input, and when it’s overwhelmed, it can’t keep up with the demands of the game.

What are the advantages of using a wired mouse over a wireless mouse for Valorant?

Wired mice have lower latency compared to wireless mice, meaning there is less delay between when you move the mouse and when the movement is reflected in the game. This can improve overall responsiveness and reduce the likelihood of mouse stuttering.

How can outdated or corrupted graphics card drivers affect Valorant’s performance?

Outdated or corrupted graphics card drivers can cause a range of issues in Valorant, including mouse stuttering, graphical glitches, and crashes. This is because the graphics card driver is responsible for communicating with the GPU and ensuring that it renders the game properly.

What is the purpose of capping the frame rate in Valorant, and how can it help resolve mouse stuttering?

Capping the frame rate limits the maximum number of frames per second that the game can render. This can reduce the load on the GPU and improve overall performance, potentially resolving mouse stuttering caused by excessive GPU usage.

What is the significance of the mouse polling rate, and how can adjusting it impact mouse stuttering in Valorant?

The mouse polling rate determines how often the mouse reports its position to the computer. A higher polling rate can reduce latency, but it may also introduce stuttering for some users, especially if their system is struggling to keep up with the high data transfer rate. Lowering the polling rate can potentially resolve stuttering caused by this issue.

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