Transferring Slack Ownership: A Comprehensive Guide

Slack, a widely used business communication and collaboration platform, enables seamless communication and efficient teamwork. However, circumstances may arise when transferring ownership of a Slack workspace becomes necessary. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the steps involved in transferring Slack ownership, ensuring a smooth transition of administrative control.

Prerequisites for Transferring Slack Ownership

Before initiating the transfer process, it is essential to ensure that certain prerequisites are met:

  1. Ownership Eligibility: Only workspace owners or admins with the necessary permissions can transfer ownership.
  2. Recipient Eligibility: The recipient of the ownership transfer must have an existing Slack account.
  3. Workspace Size: The transfer process may vary depending on the size and complexity of the workspace.

Steps to Transfer Slack Ownership

  1. Initiating the Transfer Process:
  • The current owner or an admin with the appropriate permissions should navigate to the Slack workspace they wish to transfer.
  • Click on the workspace name located at the top-left corner of the screen.
  • Select “Settings & Administration” from the drop-down menu.
  • Under “Workspace Settings,” click on “Members.”
  1. Selecting the Recipient:
  • In the “Members” tab, locate the individual you wish to transfer ownership to.
  • Click on the three-dot icon next to their name and select “Make Owner.”
  1. Confirming the Transfer:
  • A confirmation dialog box will appear, prompting you to confirm the transfer of ownership.
  • Carefully review the details and ensure that the correct recipient is selected.
  • Click on “Yes, transfer ownership” to proceed.
  1. Notifying the New Owner:
  • Slack will send an email notification to the new owner, informing them of the ownership transfer.
  • The new owner must accept the transfer by clicking on the link provided in the email.
  • Once accepted, the transfer of ownership will be complete.

Additional Considerations:

  1. Workspace Size and Complexity:
  • For larger and more complex workspaces, it is advisable to involve additional admins in the transfer process to ensure a smooth transition.
  1. Communication with Workspace Members:
  • It is essential to communicate the ownership transfer to all workspace members in a timely manner.
  • This can be done through a direct message or a public announcement in a relevant Slack channel.
  1. Data Retention and Access:
  • The transfer of ownership does not affect the data and files stored within the workspace.
  • The new owner will have full access to all existing channels, messages, and files.
  1. Ownership Transfer History:
  • Slack maintains a record of all ownership transfers, which can be accessed by admins with the appropriate permissions.
  • This information can be useful for auditing purposes or in case of any disputes.


Transferring Slack ownership is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps. By following the outlined guidelines and taking into account the additional considerations, organizations can ensure a seamless transition of administrative control, maintaining effective communication and collaboration within their Slack workspace.


What is the eligibility criteria for transferring Slack ownership?

To transfer Slack ownership, the current owner or an admin with the appropriate permissions must initiate the process. The recipient of the ownership transfer must have an existing Slack account.

How do I initiate the Slack ownership transfer process?

To initiate the Slack ownership transfer process, navigate to the workspace you wish to transfer, click on the workspace name, select “Settings & Administration,” and then click on “Members” under “Workspace Settings.”

How do I select the recipient of the Slack ownership transfer?

In the “Members” tab, locate the individual you wish to transfer ownership to, click on the three-dot icon next to their name, and select “Make Owner.”

What happens after I initiate the Slack ownership transfer?

Slack will send an email notification to the new owner, prompting them to accept the transfer by clicking on the provided link. Once accepted, the transfer of ownership will be complete.

What should I consider when transferring Slack ownership for a large and complex workspace?

For larger and more complex workspaces, it is advisable to involve additional admins in the transfer process to ensure a smooth transition. Additionally, communicate the ownership transfer to all workspace members in a timely manner.

Does the Slack ownership transfer affect the data and files stored in the workspace?

No, the transfer of ownership does not affect the data and files stored within the workspace. The new owner will have full access to all existing channels, messages, and files.

How can I access the Slack ownership transfer history?

Slack maintains a record of all ownership transfers, which can be accessed by admins with the appropriate permissions. This information can be useful for auditing purposes or in case of any disputes.

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