Programming Arduino with Raspberry Pi: A Comprehensive Guide

Programming Arduino with Raspberry Pi: A Comprehensive Guide

Arduino, an open-source microcontroller platform, and Raspberry Pi, a series of single-board computers, offer versatile capabilities for hobbyists and professionals alike. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to program Arduino using Raspberry Pi.


To begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Arduino UNO board
  • Raspberry Pi with Raspberry Pi OS
  • USB Type-A to USB Type-B connector
  • Computer or laptop

Installing Arduino IDE on Raspberry Pi

  1. Download Arduino IDE: Visit the official Arduino website and download the Linux ARM 64-bit version of Arduino IDE.
  2. Extract and Install: Double-click the downloaded file and extract its contents. Navigate to the extracted folder and run the “” file. The Arduino IDE will be installed under “Pi logo > Electronics > Arduino IDE.”

Programming Arduino with IDE

  1. Open Arduino IDE: Launch Arduino IDE from the installed location.
  2. Write the Program: Copy and paste the following code into the IDE:
void setup() {

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

This code toggles the built-in LED on the Arduino board on and off at one-second intervals.
3. Save the Program: Click “File > Save” or press “Ctrl + S” to save the program.
4. Connect Arduino: Connect the Arduino UNO board to the Raspberry Pi using the USB cable.
5. Upload the Program: Click “Sketch > Upload” or press “Ctrl + U” to upload the program to the Arduino board.

Understanding Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Arduino UNO

  • Open-source microcontroller based on easy-to-use hardware and software
  • Programmed using Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
  • Designed for hobbyists, beginners, and those interested in creating interactive objects

Raspberry Pi

  • Small, fully functional computer that can be plugged into a monitor, keyboard, and mouse
  • Based on a microprocessor and runs its Linux-based operating system, Raspberry Pi OS
  • Contains CPU, GPU, GPIO pins, and power source connector


By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully program Arduino using Raspberry Pi. This capability opens up a wide range of possibilities for creating interactive projects and exploring the world of electronics.


How do I install Arduino IDE on Raspberry Pi?

Download the Linux ARM 64-bit version of Arduino IDE from the official website. Extract the downloaded file and run the “” file to install the IDE.

How do I program Arduino with Raspberry Pi?

Open Arduino IDE, write your program, save it, connect the Arduino board to the Raspberry Pi, and upload the program to the board using “Sketch >; Upload” or “Ctrl + U.”

What is the difference between Arduino and Raspberry Pi?

Arduino is an open-source microcontroller platform designed for beginners and hobbyists, while Raspberry Pi is a small, fully functional computer that runs a Linux-based operating system.

What are the benefits of programming Arduino with Raspberry Pi?

Combining Arduino and Raspberry Pi allows for more complex and powerful projects, leveraging the capabilities of both platforms.

What types of projects can I create with Arduino and Raspberry Pi?

You can create a wide range of projects, including home automation systems, robotics, data logging, and interactive art installations.

How do I troubleshoot errors when programming Arduino with Raspberry Pi?

Check the connections between the Arduino board and Raspberry Pi, verify the program code for errors, and consult online resources or forums for assistance.

What are some resources for learning more about programming Arduino with Raspberry Pi?

Refer to the official Arduino and Raspberry Pi documentation, online tutorials, and community forums for additional information and support.

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