How to Stop Bluetooth from Automatically Turning Off on Android

Bluetooth is a convenient way to connect devices wirelessly, but it can be frustrating when it keeps turning off automatically. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including power saving settings, device compatibility issues, and software bugs.

Power Saving Settings

One of the most common causes of Bluetooth turning off automatically is power saving settings. Android devices have a variety of power saving features that can help to extend battery life, but some of these features can also interfere with Bluetooth connectivity.
To check your power saving settings, go to Settings > Battery > Power saving. If power saving mode is turned on, try turning it off and see if that solves the problem. You can also try disabling individual power saving features, such as “Restrict background data” or “Limit app power usage.”

Device Compatibility Issues

Another potential cause of Bluetooth turning off automatically is device compatibility issues. Not all Bluetooth devices are compatible with all Android devices. If you’re having trouble connecting a Bluetooth device to your Android device, make sure that the devices are compatible. You can usually find this information in the device’s documentation or on the manufacturer’s website.

Software Bugs

In some cases, Bluetooth turning off automatically may be caused by a software bug. If you’re experiencing this problem, try updating your Android device to the latest software version. Software updates often include bug fixes that can resolve Bluetooth issues.

Other Troubleshooting Tips

If you’ve tried the above troubleshooting tips and you’re still having trouble with Bluetooth turning off automatically, there are a few other things you can try:

  • Restart your Android device.
  • Reset your Bluetooth settings.
  • Uninstall and reinstall the Bluetooth app.
  • Contact your device manufacturer for support.


Bluetooth turning off automatically can be a frustrating problem, but it can usually be fixed by following the troubleshooting tips above. If you’re still having trouble, contact your device manufacturer for support.


Why does Bluetooth keep turning off automatically on my Android device?

Bluetooth can turn off automatically due to power saving settings, device compatibility issues, software bugs, or other factors.

How can I stop Bluetooth from turning off automatically due to power saving settings?

Go to Settings >; Battery >; Power saving and turn off power saving mode or disable individual power saving features.

What should I do if Bluetooth is turning off automatically due to device compatibility issues?

Make sure that the Bluetooth devices you are trying to connect are compatible with your Android device. You can usually find this information in the device’s documentation or on the manufacturer’s website.

How can I fix Bluetooth turning off automatically due to software bugs?

Try updating your Android device to the latest software version. Software updates often include bug fixes that can resolve Bluetooth issues.

What other troubleshooting tips can I try if Bluetooth is still turning off automatically?

  • Restart your Android device.
  • Reset your Bluetooth settings.
  • Uninstall and reinstall the Bluetooth app.
  • Contact your device manufacturer for support.

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