Highlighting Negative Numbers in Red in Google Sheets

Highlighting Negative Numbers in Red in Google Sheets

Google Sheets offers various formatting options to customize the appearance of data, including the ability to highlight negative numbers in red. This feature is useful for quickly identifying negative values in a dataset, making it easier to analyze and interpret data.

Methods for Highlighting Negative Numbers

There are two primary methods for highlighting negative numbers in red in Google Sheets:

1. Conditional Formatting

  • Conditional formatting allows you to apply specific formatting rules to cells based on certain conditions.
  • To use conditional formatting, select the cells containing the negative numbers.
  • Go to the “Format” menu and choose “Conditional formatting.”
  • In the “Conditional format rules” sidebar, select “Less than” from the drop-down menu under “Format cells if…”
  • Enter “0” in the “Value or formula” field.
  • Click on the “Fill color” icon and choose red or any desired color.
  • Click “Done” to apply the formatting.

2. Custom Number Formatting

  • Custom number formatting allows you to specify a specific format for displaying numbers.
  • Select the cells containing the negative numbers.
  • Go to the “Format” menu and choose “Number.”
  • Click on “Custom number format” at the bottom of the “Number” dialog box.
  • In the “Custom number format” field, enter the following format:
  • Click “Apply” to apply the formatting.

Benefits of Highlighting Negative Numbers

Highlighting negative numbers in red provides several benefits:

  • Quick Identification: Negative values are easily noticeable due to the red color, making it quicker to identify them in a dataset.
  • Data Analysis: Highlighting negative numbers facilitates data analysis by allowing users to focus on negative values and their impact on the overall dataset.
  • Error Detection: Negative values can indicate errors or inconsistencies in data entry. Highlighting them helps in identifying potential errors and ensuring data accuracy.


Highlighting negative numbers in red in Google Sheets is a useful technique for data visualization and analysis. By employing conditional formatting or custom number formatting, users can easily identify negative values, analyze data trends, and detect potential errors. This feature enhances the usability and effectiveness of Google Sheets for various data management and analysis tasks.


How to highlight negative numbers in red using conditional formatting?

To highlight negative numbers in red using conditional formatting:

  • Select the cells containing the negative numbers.
  • Go to the “Format” menu and choose “Conditional formatting.”
  • In the “Conditional format rules” sidebar, select “Less than” from the drop-down menu under “Format cells if…”
  • Enter “0” in the “Value or formula” field.
  • Click on the “Fill color” icon and choose red or any desired color.
  • Click “Done” to apply the formatting.

How to highlight negative numbers in red using custom number formatting?

To highlight negative numbers in red using custom number formatting:

  • Select the cells containing the negative numbers.
  • Go to the “Format” menu and choose “Number.”
  • Click on “Custom number format” at the bottom of the “Number” dialog box.
  • In the “Custom number format” field, enter the following format:


  • Click “Apply” to apply the formatting.

What are the benefits of highlighting negative numbers in red?

Highlighting negative numbers in red provides several benefits:

  • Quick Identification: Negative values are easily noticeable due to the red color, making it quicker to identify them in a dataset.
  • Data Analysis: Highlighting negative numbers facilitates data analysis by allowing users to focus on negative values and their impact on the overall dataset.
  • Error Detection: Negative values can indicate errors or inconsistencies in data entry. Highlighting them helps in identifying potential errors and ensuring data accuracy.

Can I use a custom color other than red to highlight negative numbers?

Yes, you can use a custom color other than red to highlight negative numbers. When using conditional formatting, you can select any desired color from the color palette.

What happens when I update the values in the cells after applying the formatting?

When you update the values in the cells after applying the formatting, the color will change automatically based on the new values. If the value becomes positive, the red color will disappear. If the value becomes negative, the red color will be applied.

Is it possible to highlight negative numbers in red in a specific range of cells?

Yes, it is possible to highlight negative numbers in red in a specific range of cells. To do this, select the range of cells and apply the conditional formatting or custom number formatting as described above.

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