Another Computer is Using the Printer: Resolving the Issue

When multiple computers share a printer, it is possible to encounter the error message “Another Computer is Using the Printer” on Windows 11 or 10. This error occurs when a previous print job has not released the lock on the printer, preventing other computers from accessing it.

Causes of the Error

The “Another Computer is Using the Printer” error can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Corrupt printer driver: A corrupted or outdated printer driver can cause the printer to malfunction and display the error message.
  • Incomplete printing: If a previous print job was interrupted or not completed successfully, the printer may remain locked and unavailable to other computers.
  • Printer unavailability: If the printer is turned off, disconnected from the network, or experiencing technical issues, it will be unavailable to other computers, resulting in the error message.

Solutions to the Error

To resolve the “Another Computer is Using the Printer” error, try the following solutions:

1. Hard Power Recycle the Printer

Sometimes, the printer may be stuck in a busy state due to a previous print job. To resolve this, perform a hard power recycle of the printer:

  1. Turn off the printer and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Wait for at least 60 seconds.
  3. Reconnect the printer to the power source and turn it on.

2. Restart the Print Spooler Service

The Print Spooler Service manages the queue of print jobs and interacts with the printer. Restarting this service can resolve the error:

  1. Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type “services.msc” and press Enter to open the Services Manager.
  3. Locate the “Print Spooler” service and right-click on it.
  4. Select “Restart” from the context menu.

3. Update the Printer Driver

An outdated or corrupt printer driver can cause the error. Updating the driver can resolve the issue:

  1. Press Windows Key + X and select “Device Manager.”
  2. Expand the “Print Queues” section.
  3. Right-click on the problematic printer and select “Update Driver.”
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to update the driver.

4. Delete Files in the Spool Folder

Incomplete or corrupted print jobs may be stored in the spool folder, causing the error. Deleting these files can resolve the issue:

  1. Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type “%WINDIR%\System32\spool\PRINTERS” and press Enter to open the spool folder.
  3. Delete all the files in the folder.

5. Run the Printer Troubleshooter

Windows includes a built-in Printer Troubleshooter that can diagnose and resolve common printer issues:

  1. Press Windows Key + I to open the Settings app.
  2. Go to “Update & Security” and select “Troubleshoot.”
  3. Click on “Additional troubleshooters” and select “Printer.”
  4. Run the Printer Troubleshooter and follow the on-screen instructions.


By following these solutions, you should be able to resolve the “Another Computer is Using the Printer” error and restore normal printing functionality on your Windows 11 or 10 computer.


Why does the “Another Computer is Using the Printer” error occur?

The error occurs when a previous print job has not released the lock on the printer, preventing other computers from accessing it. This can be caused by a corrupt printer driver, incomplete printing, or printer unavailability.

What are some solutions to resolve the error?

Solutions include hard power recycling the printer, restarting the Print Spooler service, updating the printer driver, deleting files in the spool folder, and running the Printer Troubleshooter.

How do I hard power recycle my printer?

To hard power recycle your printer, turn it off and unplug it from the power source for at least 60 seconds. Then, reconnect the printer to the power source and turn it on.

How do I update my printer driver?

To update your printer driver, press Windows Key + X and select “Device Manager.” Expand the “Print Queues” section, right-click on the problematic printer, and select “Update Driver.” Follow the on-screen instructions to update the driver.

What is the Print Spooler service, and how do I restart it?

The Print Spooler service manages the queue of print jobs and interacts with the printer. To restart the service, press Windows Key + R, type “services.msc,” and press Enter. Locate the “Print Spooler” service, right-click on it, and select “Restart.”

What is the spool folder, and how do I delete files from it?

The spool folder stores incomplete or corrupted print jobs. To delete files from the spool folder, press Windows Key + R, type “%WINDIR%\System32\spool\PRINTERS,” and press Enter. Delete all the files in the folder.

How do I run the Printer Troubleshooter?

To run the Printer Troubleshooter, press Windows Key + I to open the Settings app, go to “Update & Security” and select “Troubleshoot.” Click on “Additional troubleshooters” and select “Printer.” Run the Printer Troubleshooter and follow the on-screen instructions.

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